A document, also known as Kaagaz or Dastavez in Hindi, can be any information printed on paper. Interestingly, there was a move called “Kaagaz” in 2021 which not many of us saw. It is based on the life of a real-life farmer named Lal Bihari who was declared dead on paper due to a land dispute. The story dates back to the 1980s and one can say that such mix-ups would be common. But Lal Bihari would not have to go through the over deal if only there was a robust document verification and security system.

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Fake documents existed in the time of Lal Bihari and before and will continue to exist in the future. Physical security measures such as security cameras and safes are highly prevalent worldwide. However, such measures are not secure enough to limit document forgery, especially in a digital world. With the rise of the internet and the ability to easily create and distribute digital files, the creation and distribution of fake documents have become easier than ever before.

Document forgery is especially prevalent in the world of finance. Fake documents are often used in fraudulent financial transactions, and they can have devastating consequences for both businesses and individuals. In some cases, fake documents can lead to loss of funds, while in others they can result in criminal charges being filed against those who knowingly use them.

Hence, as digitization spreads across all industries, the need for document management and security becomes increasingly important. This includes documents such as birth/death certificates, educational diplomas, driving licenses, medical records, employee service records, sale/property registration records, MOU/agreements, and much more.

What is the New-age Solution for Securing Such Documents?

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that can help secure and manage legal documents and certifications with utmost ease. It contains structured distributed blocks that allow you to store and process data. Blockchain uses several mechanisms, such as distributed ledger technology and consensus algorithms, to complete the integrity and correctness verification of documents. It then returns the correct encrypted document that has passed the verification to the data user.

While blockchain is still in its early stages of development, there are already several startups working on applications that could potentially be used to combat the problem of fake documents. With the right implementation, blockchain could help to make the world of finance a safer and more transparent place.

Why is Blockchain Important in Document Management?

The market for fake documents has extended to online marketplaces. Not only can fake documents cause financial loss, but they can also lead to legal problems, damage to reputation, and a loss of trust from customers and partners. In such a scenario, the security of your documents is a very important concern, and it can make a big difference to how your company operates. By using blockchain technology, you can ensure that all of your documents are stored in a secure and immutable manner. This will prevent them from being tampered with or stolen, and will also make it easy to verify the authenticity of any document.

Fake document offenders usually manipulate or alter documents to gain financial advantages such as subscribing to a telephone service or taking a bank loan. Blockchain can help address such illicit activities due to its highly transparent nature. It enables people to trace edits stored down to the person who made them, which ensures that documents remain immutable and have an audit trail. By creating a public record of all transactions, blockchain can ensure that all parties involved in the authentication process are acting honestly and in good faith. This could help to reduce corruption and improve the efficiency of the document authentication process.

The adoption of blockchain technology can also make document sharing an easy and secure affair. Blockchain eliminates the risk of unauthorized access and data corruption that can occur due to duplications or usage of multiple versions. It can effectively keep track of various stages of a document cycle such as creation, changes, signatures, delivery, and receipt. The technology achieves this by creating a tamper-proof audit trail, thereby reducing the need for confirmations and reconciliations. This can be especially helpful for banks, educational institutions, and healthcare industries that must verify documentation for compliance purposes.

An audit trail is a series of records that backtrack to the beginning of a financial transaction, and it can help reduce errors and fraudulent activities. It also improves internal controls and allows auditors to trace underlying accounting transactions that flow to the financial statements. Several businesses use audit trails to ensure that their records are accurate and consistent with tax law. A digital audit trail can also help keep track of employee expenses and verify that the company is meeting all its legal obligations. It can also save time, money, and trouble by eliminating human error.

Choosing the Right Blockchain Platform for Document Protection   

There are many different types of blockchain platforms available, so it’s important to choose one that best fits your needs. In addition, it’s important to standardize protocols and formats to ensure interoperability. For example, Print2Block’s DocChain.io is a public audit system to audit your private blockchain without exposing the data. This ensures that the right stakeholder is always held accountable for an auditable trial. It also reduces the risk of fraud or corruption. Ultimately, this can help companies comply with regulatory requirements while enhancing customer satisfaction and ensuring long-term sustainability.


Fraudulent activities involving fake documents have long been a challenge for businesses, government entities, and individuals alike. Blockchain technology offers an innovative solution to the problem of counterfeit documents by creating a secure, distributed ledger that can be used to verify the authenticity of any document. By leveraging blockchain technology, businesses, and other organizations will be able to limit their exposure to financial losses associated with fraudulent document use while also ensuring that customers receive high-quality products that meet their standards. In short, blockchain-backed solutions offer an ideal way forward in the fight against counterfeiting and fraud.